Do Ut Des
Genre: Cubism abstract
Introducing: Mixed tecnic
Height= 15.68 inches(50 cm)
Width= 27.56inches (70 cm)
Price 1600$ (including shipping)
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Red Moon
Genre: Cubism abstract
Introducing: Mixed tecnic
Height= 23.62 inches(60 cm)
Width= 27.56inches (70 cm)
Price 1600$ (including shipping)
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Force 9 Sea
Genre: Cubism abstract
Introducing: Mixed tecnic
Height= 39.47 inches(100 cm)
Width= 39.47inches (100 cm)
Price 1970$ (including shipping)
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Omnia Tempus Habent
Genre: Cubism abstract
Introducing: Mixed tecnic
Height= 23.62 inches(60 cm)
Width= 27.56inches (70 cm)
Price 3850$ (including shipping)
Enter the artwork booking form
Genre: Cubism abstract
Introducing: Mixed tecnic
Height= 23.62 inches(60 cm)
Width= 27.56inches (70 cm)
Price 1970$ (including shipping)
Enter the artwork booking form
Genre: Cubism abstract
Introducing: Mixed tecnic
Height= 19.68 inches(50 cm)
Width= 27.56inches (70 cm)
Price 1920$ (including shipping)
Enter the artwork booking form
Coming soon
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